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Who We Are

We are Anderson Hills Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada.


AHCC’s mission and vision are central to who we are. We invite you to join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30. 


We are a church that welcomes all people and we practice sharing an open communion table where all who believe are invited to partake to the bread and the cup and remember Jesus. We also practice baptism by immersion (we dunk you under the water) for those who have prayed and prepared for such a choice. Those who have been baptized and would like to join our church may transfer their membership (even if you haven’t been to church in a long time). Our church does not baptize babies, but we do dedicate them, inviting the whole congregation to participate in blessing them and serving as an example as they grow in the faith.

Disciples have a long history of relying on reason and intellect when engaging scripture and faith. This means we expect people to think for themselves about what the Bible says and how to apply it. We offer study opportunities to help in that interpretation, but the pastor is not going to tell you what you should and should not think. While we believe that your faith should inform your politics, we practice conversation about politics, not preaching from the pulpit about it.


People come to worship as they are. Some will wear their finest, and others are comfortable in more casual attire. We sing a mixture of contemporary praise songs and traditional hymns. We have a choir that performs every Sunday through the fall, winter, and spring, and in the summer we invite individuals and small groups to perform special music. On Christmas and Easter we celebrate with a Choral Cantata.

Children and their noises are welcome in worship. Children through fifth grade are welcome to stay in worship until the Children’s Moment is over, then they may stay in worship or go to a Junior Worship class that is age appropriate. Our children and youth perform a Christmas program during worship during the Advent season.


Throughout the year we offer adult Bible study. The subjects vary and all are welcome. We hope to expand your understanding of the scriptures and deepen your faith journey.


We see an important part of being church as living our faith. This means we strive to be active in our community, being the hands and feet of Christ. We work to reach out and serve those in need and those who are around us. We hope you will join us in becoming what God is calling us to be as we reach out to all people with love.

Anderson Hills Christian Church



8119 Clough Pike

Cincinnati, OH 45244



Sundays 10:30am


Church Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday 9am - 1pm

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©2023 by Anderson Hills Christian Church

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